Sunday 9 September 2012

Sunday 9th September 2012 - Westonbirt and Highgrove

Part of the recuperation programme for last weeks overdoing it epic was 8.5 miles of "fairly level terrain" from Geoff book 2.  Turned out to be one of the best walks we've done for ages, mostly pleasant countryside, easy walking, good surfaces, some variety, but.... 56 bloody stiles.

Lots of these were quite easy, about a third of them were stone stiles (always at least interesting) but quite a few were steep wooden efforts which we both found challenging.  This proviso is not to detract from a thoroughly pleasant day's walking in changeable but always dry weather...
A pretty bridge into a field in the first part of the walk.  We were repeatedly struck by scale on this walk, huge open spaces, parks, paddocks,  fields...
This spoke volumes about the great wealth that we often notice on walks in Gloucestershire, especially the Cotswolds...
We were supposed to see views of Highgrove from this walk,  but perhaps because of the time of year this did not really happen.  Several other rather wonderful stately houses though.

And some very attentive sheep....
Despite some minor reservations, this is definitely a walk to repeat, and the pint of cider in Shipton Moyne at the excellent and well-named 'Cat and Custard Pot' made this an absolute winner.

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