Saturday 22 September 2012

Saturday 22nd September - Slaughterford

 8.75 miles from Geoff book 2.  Picked a sunny September saturday, and we really enjoyed most of this.  Overall, attractive rural settings, some good valley views, and rural landscapes.  Much of the walking was pleasant, with just about the right amount of 'undulation' to make us feel excercised but not knackered.  The only real drawback was that in quite a few fields, especially around the midway point, cattle had made the ground very lumpy and difficult to walk on.  In the context of the overall walk it wasn't enough to spoil it, but we might not do this again for a while.

This picture was taken inside the church at Slaughterford at EXACTLY the moment that Margie found Jesus.
 The church at Slaughterford and...
 ...the very picturesque cottages
 Rudloe Manor was highly significant as a secret RAF communications base during the war.  Didn't know it would still be 'under wraps' phwar phwar.
 Lots of fields with cows on this walk.  Black and white ones.  Brown ones.  Black ones...
Totally random dumped classical statue en route.

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