Wednesday 11 April 2012

Tormarton and Dodington Park - Wednesday 11th April 2012

From a book: 'Pub Walks along the Cotswold Way' published in 1996, this was designed to be 4 miles, fairly flat, and quite quick to get to, as part of R's recuperation from two weeks of chest infection.  Interesting to see the village of Tormarton, with many grand houses but a derelict-looking pub.  The walk was interesting and pleasant for the first half, which was up Dodington Lane....

 In the distance is 'Dodington Manor', easier to see with the zoom...

 Lots of very young looking lambs in the fields...

The return section, through the planted estates alongside Dodington Park (apparently owned by James Dyson who has 'spent more on trees that we would spend on a house') was strangely boring... a rather empty landscape which undulated, but didn't have any points of interest.  A bit like farmland which is not being farmed. 
Beer and chips in the pub at the end was good for morale, referred to as The Portcullis, but with a pub sign showing it is now known as 'The Major's Retreat', apparently the ex-military landlord's response to much ribbing from the locals.

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