Sunday 19 May 2013

Blaize Bailey - 12 May 2013

 Another longish (8.5 miles) Geoff Mullett walk.  First half was lovely, with fine views from the lookout which is the Bailey, but in the second half we increasingly toiled through paths that felt that nobody else ever walked.  Severely overgrown paths (writing this over a week later my left calf is still gouged with bramble scratches), a field descent through wet waist-high maize in which Margie several times fell over and disappeared in a comedic way (comedic to watch rather than experience I am led to understand), muddy fields, and a memorable farm crossing in which we couldn't guess from the destructions which direction to take.  A couple of false starts in the drizzle before we eventually found our way.  One of those walks which you like in retrospect.

The fields were full of lovely white flowers...

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