Monday 4 June 2012

Monday 4th June - Avebury: A Stone-Age Perambulation

Another great Mullett walk, 11 miles with Ellie.  This was a very open walk, with many distant, if not spectacular views, and the interest of Avebury's prehistoric stones and tumuli throughout much of the time.
 Silbury Hill was the start point of the walk.  You are not allowed to climb it now for 'Environmental Protection'.... but many people do.
 West Kennett Long Barrow evidence of prehistoric mortuary practice and the ONLY evidence that R was on this walk.
 Ellie shows her usual class by drinking freshly brewed tea from a china cup... M is ripping open the Cadbury's Whole Nut.
 The Ridgeway.  87 Miles from here to Ivinghoe Beacon.  Referred to as the 'Wessex Ridgeway' when it goes through this area.  A good part of the outward leg was a straight, gentle ascent on this very rutted surface.
You know that bit in Lawrence of Arabia where Omar Sharif first appears as a dot on the horizon?
 'What's going on?  Why has this wall got a roof?'
 On top of Windmill Hill
The blackest cattle.... ever.