Sunday 15 March 2009

Sand Bay - half a walk backwards!

A suddenly warm and sunny spring day so we sprung to W-S-M to do half an 8-mile walk 'Kewstock and Woodspring Priory' that we had enjoyed in May 05. We soon found that the beach wasn't as friendly as it looked.

Soon after the picture on the right was taken, Margie was literally knocked off her feet by a couple of excitable dogs who were bounding along the beach, in love with each other and oblivious to anyone else. They took Margie out just above the knees and she landed gracefully on her face in the sand. How we all laughed!

The walk out onto the promontory revealed some spectacular violets

and a chance to use the new camera tripod:

Towards the end of the walk we passed what Geoff described as 'grain silos' but which seem to have had a change of use:

We found a cafe just along the bay, and although it was particularly caker, (20 items on menu, ALL ending 'and chips'), no cake. Tea and crumpets instead, then home.